Soabbegealdinoaivi is a study of repetition, modal harmonies and polythythmics, written for Ensemble Ambrosius in 2005.
Named after a fell in Lemmenjoki National Park, Lapland, Soabbegealdinoaivi is built on one repetitive modal phrase (in 7/8 + 8/8 rhythm) with the melodic shape resembling a mountain landscape. Under the repetitive melody, the accompanying harmony is constantly evolving. In the latter part of the piece, the accompanying rhythm is changed to 12/8 with a stable harmonic progression contradicting the meter of the melody. The polyrhythmic dissonances are eventually resolved and the piece ends in a rhythmic unisono.
for mixed Baroque & folk ensemble
Celesta (alternatively Jenco celestette or claviature glockenspiel)
Concert kantele
Concert accordion
Chamber organ
Baroque cello