Ambrosian Delights at Vaasa & Nordmaling ’Baroque and Beyond’
Following the succes of its premiere, Olli Virtaperko’s crossover concerto Ambrosian Delights (for Knifonium and Baroque orchestra) will travel to Vaasa, Finland and Nordmaling, Sweden with Finnish Baroque Orchestra FIBO under Ville Matvejeff. The Knifonium soloist will be the designer and builder of the instrument, Jonte Knif, who also premiered the concerto in August 2013.
The Nordmaling concert will be part of the Umeå River Stories concept and the city’s European Capital of Culture 2014 program.
The concerts:
Saturday 6 September at 19:00 in Vaasa Church, Vaasa, Finland
Sunday 7 September at 16:00 in Oasen, Nordmaling Baroque and Beyond festival, Nordmaling, Sweden